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How we treat our investors & partners

Financial services are a delicate subject that requires

transparency and confidentiality


Please read our terms & conditions and Privacy policy carefully!


When opening an account with Golden Goose Invest, the following terms and conditions apply as a contract agreement that must be digitally signed by checking the box (I have read and understood the terms and conditions and agree to them). 
This applies to all 3 types of accounts offered by Golden Goose Invest which

can be found on this page:
- Private investor
- Institutional investor
- Affiliate (partner)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and ACCEPTANCE of the TERMS & CONDITIONS by INVESTORS (INSTITUTIONAL and PIVATE), indicating they UNDERSTAND and AGREE to COMPLY with all the terms and conditions when opening an investor account with GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST.



(MINIMAL INVESTMENT – 5.000.00,- €).

Last name 1:

Last name 2:



. Street:

. Number:

. City

. Postal code:

. Country:

.Phone number:

Document nr ID:

Bank account number:




(MINIMAL INVESTMENT – 50.000'00,- €).


. Street:

. Number:

. City:

. Postal code:

. Country:

. Registration number:


. BIC:

Companies Contact person 

Name and Last name:

E-mail Contact person:

Phone number of the contact person:





Mapfre Tower, Carrer de la Marina, 16-18, floor 27 – 08005 – Barcelona (Spain).

CIF: B-70.759.261

Commercial Registry, Barcelona

. Folio 58

. Part 49170

. page B-610.255


Phone: +34.671.429.328

Bank account:

. IBAN-nummer ES6868880001681578644842


1. Opening and Management of Investment Accounts

a. To carry out the investment, the INVESTOR must open an account.

b. To open an account, the INVESTOR must complete the account application process and provide all required information.

c. GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST reserves the right to reject any application for any reason, at its sole discretion. Rejecting the request to open an account does not grant the INVESTOR any rights, nor does it obligate GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST to any compensation.

d. Opening an account with GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST authorizes GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST in turn to open an account with GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST's trusted BROKER.

e. Account management will be conducted through the website "," where the INVESTOR can check the status of their investment at any time and access the reports mentioned in this Agreement. They will also receive any relevant notifications regarding the investment.


2. Investment Amount, Minimum Term

a. The minimum investment amount required by the client is:
- FIVE THOUSAND EUROS (€5,000.00) for individual investors.
- FIFTY THOUSAND EUROS (€50,000.00) for institutional investors.

b. If the investment is lower than these amounts, GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST has the right to immediately terminate this Agreement, without granting any rights to the INVESTOR, except for the refund, if applicable, of the invested amount and the profits obtained according to the provisions of this Agreement.

c. The INVESTOR commits to maintaining the investment - and thus the validity of this agreement - for a minimum of ONE MONTH from the signing of this Agreement.


3. Purpose of the Investment, Account Operation

a. The INVESTOR accepts, acknowledges, and authorizes GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST to manage the account on behalf of the INVESTOR.

b. Signing this document implies full authorization to GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST to operate with that account with complete freedom of judgment by GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST.

Therefore, GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST may, at its sole discretion, determine the timing, nature, and amount of any transaction, using leverage and any other investment strategies it deems appropriate at any time.

c. GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST will use the investment amount exclusively for international currency markets.

GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST guarantees that the funds in the INVESTOR's account will be used for legal and transparent operations.

d. GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST will use its best efforts to manage the INVESTOR's account, making the best decisions based on the available economic information in the market and technical analysis at all times.

e. The INVESTOR acknowledges that investing involves significant risk and that GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST cannot guarantee any investment outcome. The investment return as stated in the relevant section of this contract is not guaranteed in any case and may vary from this estimate.

f. The INVESTOR is aware that investing carries significant risks of rapidly losing capital and that there is a possibility of a complete loss of the investment.

g. The INVESTOR will be kept informed of the status of their investment at all times via the website "," where they can find real-time information.

h. In the unlikely event of a total loss of the investment during the financial services provided by GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST, it will provide transparent communication with the CLIENT. Thus, once the loss is determined, the CLIENT will receive complete and verifiable documentation from the trusted partner broker. This documentation will contain all relevant details and information regarding the loss, providing the CLIENT with a full understanding of the situation.


4. Compensation. Investment Return

a. The INVESTOR will receive a maximum monthly return/interest of ONE PERCENT (1%) on the investment, which will be calculated and added to the INVESTOR's account on a daily basis. The return is not guaranteed, but there is a high probability of achieving it.

b. Any returns exceeding the percentage mentioned in point a will be allocated to the company's strategic reserves and commissions/fees received by GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST for managing the CLIENT's account.

c. Interest will be calculated daily, applying the investment return to the invested capital, and its value will be added to the INVESTOR's account daily.

Therefore, the interest paid daily will be automatically added to the investment.

d. GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST will add the CLIENT's returns at the end of each calendar month to the initial investment, using the invested capital plus the return for the 1% calculation (as determined in point a).

e. In any case, GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST will deduct the compensation as mentioned in point b before this action is carried out.

f. It is the responsibility of the investor to comply with the tax obligations of their tax domicile. An investor residing or established outside Spanish jurisdiction has no additional tax obligations to the Spanish Tax Authority.


5. Termination

a. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time. For this purpose, it is necessary to send written notice to the other party specifying the date of termination. If this date is not specified, the date of termination will be understood as the date of receipt of the written notice by the party to whom the notice is addressed.

b. Upon receipt of the termination notice, the parties - and specifically the INVESTOR - expressly acknowledge and accept that GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST has the right to delay the refund of invested funds for a period ranging from 1 day to 45 days, a minimum and maximum time necessary to close outstanding positions or investment cycles, in which GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST is authorized by the INVESTOR to withhold funds.

c. After the term mentioned in the previous point, GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST will liquidate the account and refund the funds and interest/returns to the INVESTOR.

d. The refund will be made to the bank account designated by the INVESTOR in this contract.

e. The INVESTOR may request partial termination (or withdrawal of funds), specifying to GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST the maximum amount they wish to withdraw in relation to the currently possible outstanding positions and their risk profile.

f. In the case of partial withdrawal, the INVESTOR must maintain a minimum investment of FIVE THOUSAND (€5,000.00) for individual investors or FIFTY THOUSAND (€50,000.00) for institutional investors; as the case may be. Otherwise, full refund will be executed.

g. The definition of the word termination in all the aforementioned points under a, b, c, d, e, and f can also be interpreted as withdrawal of the investment plus returns, which can be done through an operation within the application developed by GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST for the investor for full or partial withdrawals of funds.


6. Declarations and Warranties

a. The INVESTOR declares and warrants that they are the lawful owner of the funds in the account, and that they are not acting on behalf of a third party, nor are they a fiduciary for third parties, whether natural or legal persons.

b. The INVESTOR declares and warrants that the funds do not originate from illegal, unlawful, or criminal activities.

c. The INVESTOR has been informed by GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST that due to the characteristics of the Investment

 (hedge fund operating in international currency markets), approval from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) is not required. (CNMV is the Spanish financial authority).

Therefore, GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST declares that it does not have such approval or license, as it is not required.

d. The INVESTOR acknowledges that they have read and understood this Agreement and undertake to abide by its terms.

e. GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST states that the data provided by the client will be processed in accordance with Spanish and European data protection legislation.

f. GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST guarantees the confidentiality of the data provided by the CLIENT.


7. Notices

a. The INVESTOR declares that the data in this Agreement is true and valid for any communication related to this contract.

b. Likewise, GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST declares that the data in this Agreement is true and valid for any communication related to this contract.


8. Miscellaneous

a. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements, and arrangements.

b. This Agreement may only be amended or modified in writing and requires signatures from both parties.

c. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns.


9. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

a. This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Spain.

b. Any dispute that may arise between the parties with respect to this Agreement shall be resolved by the courts of Barcelona (Spain).


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and ACCEPTANCE of the TERMS & CONDITIONS by AFFILIATES, indicating they UNDERSTAND and AGREE to COMPLY with all the terms and conditions when opening an affiliate account with GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST.


Last name 1:

Last name 2:



. Street:

. Number:

. City

. Postal code:

. Country:

.Phone number:

Document nr ID:

Bank account number:





Mapfre Tower, Carrer de la Marina, 16-18, floor 27 – 08005 – Barcelona (Spain).

CIF: B-70.759.261

Commercial Registry, Barcelona

. Folio 58

. Part 49170

. page B-610.255


Phone: +34.671.429.328

Bank account:

. IBAN-nummer ES6868880001681578644842


1. Opening and management of an affiliate account (Partners account)
   a. To become a PARTNER of GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST, the PARTNER must open an AFFILIATE account.
   b. To open an account, the AFFILIATE must complete the account application process and provide all required information.
   c. GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST reserves the right to reject any application for any reason at its own discretion. Rejecting the request to open an account does not grant the AFFILIATE any rights, nor does it obligate GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST to any compensation.
   d. Account management will be conducted via the website "", where the AFFILIATE can check the status of their promotional activities at any time and where the AFFILIATE has access to reports regarding their performance and any relevant notices regarding the partner program.


2. Minimum amount and minimum term for compensation
   a. The AFFILIATE is aware that the minimum investment amount to be executed by the AFFILIATE acquired INVESTOR is as follows:
      - FIVE THOUSAND EUROS (€5,000.00) for private investors.
      - FIFTY THOUSAND EUROS (€50,000.00) for institutional investors.
   b. If the investment is lower than these amounts, GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST reserves the right to immediately terminate this agreement, without granting any rights to the investor or the AFFILIATE, except for the refund, if applicable, of the invested amount and the returns obtained according to the terms of this agreement.
   c. The AFFILIATE commits to maintaining the 2% commission on the investment for a minimum of ONE MONTH from the moment GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST receives the investors funds brought by the AFFILIATE before it can be paid out.
   d. The AFFILIATE is aware that GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST reserves the right to hold the AFFILIATE's funds for

1 to 45 days AFTER the one-month exemption (as described in section 2.c) until all trading positions of the underlying investment are closed for funding the 2% commission.


3. Compensation. Commission on investment.
   a. The AFFILIATE acknowledges that investing involves significant risk and that GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST cannot guarantee any investment results. The return on investment is in no way guaranteed and may vary from this estimate.
   b. The AFFILIATE is aware that investing carries significant risks of capital loss and that there is a possibility of a TOTAL LOSS of the investment.
   c. The AFFILIATE will be kept informed of the status of their investment at all times via the website "", where they can find real-time information.
   d. In the unlikely event of a total loss of the investment during the financial services provided by GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST, it will provide transparent communication with the AFFILIATE. In this way, once the loss is determined, the AFFILIATE will receive complete and verifiable documentation from the trusted partner broker. This documentation will contain all relevant details and information regarding the loss, providing the AFFILIATE with a full understanding of the situation.
   e. The AFFILIATE is exclusively entitled to a 2% commission on the initial investment of the investor brought by the AFFILIATE. In the event that the INVESTOR wants to increase their position and add an additional amount to their balance, the AFFILIATE will NOT be entitled to compensation for this.
   f. The AFFILIATE is aware that the compensation/commission must be generated based on the investor funds brought by the AFFILIATE and must come from the investor's investment amount.
   g. The AFFILIATE is aware that in the event of a total loss of the investor's investment within the first month (as described in section 2.c) plus the 1 to 45 days (as described in section 2.d), they have NO right to payment by GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST.
   h. It is the responsibility of the AFFILIATE to comply with the tax obligations of their tax residence. An AFFILIATE residing or established outside the Spanish jurisdiction has no additional tax obligations to the Spanish tax authorities.


4. Legal requirements
   a. The AFFILIATE acknowledges and accepts that when conducting promotional activities on behalf of GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST within a specific jurisdiction (country), they are required to strictly comply with all laws, regulations, and rules applicable in that jurisdiction (country).
   b. The AFFILIATE is aware that promotional activities on behalf of GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST fall under two categories.
      - The first category concerns activities carried out by licensed or authorized financial advisors, deemed by the financial authority of the country in which the AFFILIATE operates to have sufficient knowledge to provide accurate and adequate advice to INVESTORS. Based on this, they can make LEGITIMATE and LEGAL recommendations.
      - The second category is for AFFILIATES who do NOT possess a license and operate in a jurisdiction (country) where it is REQUIRED by law. In this case, it is NOT allowed to make a recommendation to invest in GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST. The unlicensed AFFILIATE may only promote the brand or company name GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST to their intended INVESTOR and must inform the AFFILIATE that by law, they are NOT allowed to provide financial advice and that the INVESTOR is expected to conduct their own research into the activities offered by GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST to understand the risks before investing.
   c. The AFFILIATE, whether LICENSED or UNLICENSED, is required to mention that they are financially compensated for their promotional activities on behalf of GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST so that the INVESTOR is sufficiently aware that they are acting out of a financial self-interest.


5. Termination and (partial) withdrawals
   a. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time. For this purpose, it is necessary to send written notice to the other party specifying the date of termination. If this date is not specified, the termination date will be understood as the date of receipt of the written notice by the party to whom the notice is addressed.
   b. Upon receipt of the termination notice, the parties - and especially the AFFILIATE - expressly acknowledge and accept that GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST has the right to delay the refund of acquired funds for a period of between 1 day and 45 days, a minimum and maximum time necessary to close the outstanding positions or investment cycle, in which GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST is authorized by the AFFILIATE to withhold funds as described in sections 2.c and d.
   c. After the term mentioned in the previous point, GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST will liquidate the account and refund the funds or commission/returns to the AFFILIATE.
   d. The refund will be made to the bank account designated by the AFFILIATE in this contract.
   e. The AFFILIATE may request partial termination (or withdrawal of funds), specifying to GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST the maximum amount they wish to withdraw in relation to the currently possible outstanding positions and their risk profile associated with the investor brought by the AFFILIATE.
   f. The definition of the word "termination" in all the points mentioned above under a, b, c, d, e can also be interpreted as withdrawal of commission returns,

 which can be done through an operation within the application developed by GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST for the AFFILIATE via the website "".


6. Declarations and warranties
   a. The AFFILIATE declares and warrants that the INVESTOR is the lawful owner of the funds and that they are not acting on behalf of a third party, nor are they fiduciary for third parties, whether natural or legal persons.
   b. The AFFILIATE declares and warrants that the funds do not originate from illegal, unlawful, or criminal activities.
   c. The AFFILIATE has been warned by GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST that due to the characteristics of the Investment (hedge fund operating in international currency markets), approval from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) is not required. (CNMV is the Spanish financial authority). Therefore, GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST declares that it does not have such approval or license because it is not required.
   d. The AFFILIATE acknowledges that they have read and understood this Agreement and commit to abide by its terms.
   e. GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST declares that the data provided by the AFFILIATE is processed in accordance with Spanish and European data protection legislation.
   f. GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST guarantees the confidentiality of the data provided by the CLIENT.


7. Notifications
   a. The AFFILIATE declares that the data in this Agreement is true and valid for any communication regarding this contract.
   b. Similarly, GOLDEN GOOSE INVEST declares that the data in this Agreement is true and valid for any communication regarding this contract.


8. Miscellaneous
   a. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements, and arrangements.
   b. This Agreement may only be amended or modified in writing and requires signatures from both parties.
   c. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns.


9. Applicable law and jurisdiction
   a. This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Spain.
   b. Any dispute that may arise between the parties concerning this agreement shall be resolved by the courts of Barcelona (Spain).

Privacy and security policy


At Golden Goose Invest, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting it. This privacy policy applies to all users who access our services and products, and explains how we collect, use and protect your personal information.


1. Collection of Personal Information

We collect personal information when you register to use our services, create an account, access our products and services, or contact us. This personal information may include your name, email address, billing address, phone number, and payment information.


2. Use of Personal Information

We may use your personal information to provide you with services, fulfill orders, manage your account, respond to inquiries, customize our services and products to meet your needs, and communicate with you about our services and products.


3. Disclosure of Personal Information

We will never disclose our customers personal information to 3rd parties neither will we sell your personal data to

any 3rd party entities. Our clients personal information will only be used to service our clients needs.


4. Security of Personal Information

We use strong security measures to protect the security of your personal information against data leaks and or data hacks.

We expect from our clients to have made sufficient security meassures from their end regarding the transmission of their personal data toward us. All clients need to have taken measures to send their personal data from a secure digital environment, such as mobile phones, personal computers etc...



Golden Goose Invest provides investment services as a distributor of third party Investment products (shortly referred as 'investment products').

Investment products do not pertain to Golden Goose Invest.

Investment products are not bank deposits or obligations of or

guaranteed by Golden Goose Invest or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries;

We are not insured by any governmental agency and are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Past performance is not indicative of future results, prices/invested sum is subject to market risks which may result in appreciation or depreciation.

The ownership of any investment decision(s) shall exclusively vest with

the Investor after analyzing all possible risk factors and by exercise of his/her/its independent discretion and

Golden Goose Invest shall not be liable or held liable for any consequences thereof.

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